Mon. Nov. 11-Thurs. Apr. 3, 2025
Workouts, Times & Locations:
Mon. & Thurs., 6:30-8 pm
TTFC, York U, Keele Campus
Wed., 6:30-8 pm
TTFC, York U, Keele Campus
Mon. Apr. 14-Thurs. Jul. 31, 2025
Workouts, Times & Locations:
Mon. & Thurs., 6-7:30 pm
Stouffville Track, Stouffville
Wed., 6:30-8 pm
TTFC, York U, Keele Campus
Mon. Aug. 25-Thurs. Oct. 23, 2025
Workouts, Times & Locations:
Mon., 6-7:30 pm
Stouffville Track, Stouffville
XC / JUMPER Combined:
Thurs., 6-7:30 pm
Stouffville Track, Stouffville and
Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area 1
1 The location for the Thursday evening XC/Jumper Combined workout during the Outdoor XC Season will change to Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area tentatively on Thurs. Sep. 25, 2025. Also with the shorter days and lack of lighting at the park, workout will end at 7:00 pm. This venue switch will not affect the location for Monday’s XC workout.
Mon. Nov. 10-Thurs. Mar. 26, 2026
Workouts, Times & Locations:
Mon. & Thurs., 6:30-8 pm
TTFC, York U, Keele Campus
Wed., 6:30-8 pm
TTFC, York U, Keele Campus
Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Arena & Track
12483 Ninth Line North,
Stouffville, ON L4A 1C2
Track Workouts (Outdoor Track & Field Season):
Monday & Thursday 6:00-7:30 pm
XC Workouts (Outdoor Cross-Country Season):
Monday & Thursday 6:00-7:30 pm
Please note the location for Thursday evening XC/Jumper combined workout during the Outdoor Fall XC Season will change to Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area, tentatively on the last Thursday of September. Also with the shorter days and lack of lighting at the park, workouts will end at 7:00 pm. This venue switch will not affect the location for Monday’s XC workout, which will always be held at the Stouffville Track.
Driving Instructions:
From Highway 404 take Stouffville Road exit. Drive east into the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville – note at Highway 48 the road changes to Main Street. At 9th Line lights turn left. Go approximately 500 metres north to the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Arena & Track facility on the right or east side of 9th Line.
Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area
3291 Stouffville Road,
Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5
XC Workouts (Outdoor Cross-Country Season):
Thursday 6:00-7:00 pm
When workouts are scheduled at this location athletes are asked to meet Fred Robbins, our Head Coach and Club Director, on Warden Avenue just south of Stouffville Road on the east side. Please take the path into the park. All workouts at this venue will end at 7:00 pm.
Driving Instructions:
From Highway 404 take Stouffville Road exit. Drive east just past Warden Avenue – the main entrance for the conservation area is on the right.
Toronto Track & Field Centre (TTFC),
York University, Keele Campus
231 Ian MacDonald Blvd,
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 3L9
Track Workouts (Indoor Winter Season):
Monday & Thursday 6:30-8:00 pm
Jumper Workouts (Indoor Winter Season):
Wednesday 6:30-8:00 pm
Indoor Memberships & Daily Drop-In Fees:
Indoor Memberships for the TTFC are available at the centre’s front desk – payment can be made by cash, cheque, debit or credit card. Alternatively, the daily Drop-In fee is $3.25 for Youth, $5.50 for Adults and $2.75 for Seniors (60+ years). Information regarding TTFC Indoor Memberships and daily Drop-In fees can be obtained by visiting the centre’s front desk, or calling them at (416) 392-2522.
The YRRC Indoor Track & Field Season at the TTFC facility for 2023-2024 starts on Monday Nov-13, 2023 and ends on Thursday Mar-28, 2024. If a person chooses to purchase a TTFC Indoor Membership, rather than pay the Drop-In fee every time they attend a YRRC workout, the cost of a TTFC Youth Indoor Membership (6-17 yrs) for the centre is $74.50, and runs from Oct-15, 2023 to Apr-30, 2024.
Please note that all TTFC fees listed above are for reference purposes only, and are subject to change at any time. Please contact the centre’s front desk to confirm Season Pass and Drop-In Fees.
New to the TTFC or haven’t used it in a while?
All club athletes, especially those new to the TTFC, are asked to review the centre’s TRACK ETIQUETTE & FACILITY REGULATIONS prior to the beginning of the Indoor Winter Season each year. Please take a few minutes to review the above document and be sure to address any questions to the centre’s staff.
Directions to the TTFC:
For a map of where the centre is located on the York University Keele Campus please click here. The TTFC is listed as building #7. For directions to York University & the centre via Google Maps please click here.
When travelling to the TTFC via the subway please exit at the PIONEER VILLAGE STATION, which is located directly to the west of the centre on the Keele Campus at York University.
Parking Permits:
For those interested in purchasing a parking pass for the winter, you can download an application form from YORK UNIVERSITY”S PARKING SERVICES. The reserved parking lot for the Track & Field Centre is located in LOT 65 (Founders Road West lot).
If you chose to purchase a parking pass for the season, you’ll need a membership letter from the Track & Field Centre confirming that you’re a member in order to receive the discounted rate. Ask for the letter from the front desk when purchasing your membership.
Hourly Parking:
If you prefer to pay-as-you-go for parking, there is a lot that charges by the half-hour just east of the TTFC. The north part of LOT 66 is considered visitor parking (Founders Road East Lot).